Data Quest invites hackers to tell "science stories"
(Image Credit: iStockPhoto/Jag_cz)
Through collaboration between two companies, htxt.Africa and SciBraai, the DataQuest hackathon wants scientists, journalists, coders and data analysts to tell "science stories" out of data sets. Teams of up to three individuals can take part and create projects for three categories; health, environment, or general research.
A multimedia article must be created over the hackathon which is to be judged, and winners going on to have their creation professionally edited and proofed before being published on SciBraai and Code4SA.
Of course there will be a 'Braii' grill to share science stories around – something which itself SciBraai is a science. The chemical reactions as the wood burns in oxygen, the way the proteins in meats and vegetables break down as they are cooked, and the psychology behind why we love to braai.
On SciBraii's website, they write: "Science is everywhere and very much part of everyday life in South Africa, just like braaing."
Data Quest is set to take place on August 22nd, from nine in the morning at Codebridge Civic Tech Lab in Cape Town.
If you’d like to participate, it is free to enter but spaces are limited. You can sign up here.
Do you think Data Quest will help revolutionise how we tell stories? Let us know in the comments.
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