ANDS, CSIRO, NeCTAR, TERN, ALA, AURIN, RDS, AuScope, IMOS and University of Melbourne have joined forces to put on a weekend Hackfest in Lab 14, Carlton Connect, University of Melbourne (700 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053) from 4-6 March, 2016.
Melbourne Science Hackfest aims to:
- Foster connections/interactions between data consumers and NCRIS, CSIRO data providers
- Promote data synthesis activities across different domains
- Encourage the development of innovative data products or knowledge systems that may be useful to the wider public
- Demonstrate the innovative value of scientific data
- Further Australia's ability to respond to grand challenges by using data of national significance
Register to confirm your attendence:
Register at to enter the competition.
For more information please visit:
Total prize fund
time left
1st place - Best Science Hack
Sponsored by CSIRO
2nd place - Best Science Hack (runner up)
Sponsored by TERN
Winner - People's Choice
Sponsored by ANDS
Winner - Best use of Scientific Computing Infrastructure
Sponsored by ANDS

Peter is a physical Geographer. He learned the ropes of GIS at UT Austin in 1994 and ventured into FOSS GIS during his PhD study (Radar meteorology/Soil Erosion in South Africa, which relied heavily on GRASS GIS and for which he received several awards. Following his PhD he founded (now:, producing GISIX, the first portable FOSSGIS workbench based on a live-Linux CD/DVD. He...

Dr. Mingfang Wu is a Senior Business Analyst at ANDS. She has worked on a variety of ANDS projects including Seeding of Commons, Data Capture, Data Applications, and eResearch Infrastructure Connectivity. She received her PhD from RMIT University in 2002 with the research topic on Organisation of Search Results for Interactive Question Answering. She was a Research Scientist at CSIRO (1999 –...

I'm the CSIRO Science Leader for Earth Science Informatics. I'm interested in data driven science, including simulation, remotely operated instruments, and high performance and cloud computing. I also work with organizations like ANDS on long-term preservation of research data, and I can help you find some of the more interesting datasets in the Research Data Australia and CSIRO data archives....