Hacking and Making with thermal imaging.
FLIR's revolutionary FLIR ONE (www.flir.com/flirone) and Lepton (http://www.flir.com/cores/content/?id=66257) products bring thermal imaging to the mass consumer market for the very first time, and we're challenging hackers and makers around the globe to compete for prizes by creating the most innovative, beautiful, and useful software or hardware solutions using FLIR's thermal imaging products imaginable! If you were a superhero with a thermal imaging sixth sense, what would YOUR super power be?
Sign up on Eventbrite now
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1st place - Best Overall
plus one FLIR ONE for each team member (up to 5). Can be either a software or hardware app.
1st place - Best Software app
Best software app created based on FLIR ONE
2nd place - Second Place Overall
plus one FLIR ONE for each team member (up to 5). Can be either a software or hardware app.
Participant - Crowd Favourite
plus one FLIR ONE for each team member (up to 5). Can be either a software or hardware app.
Participant - Best Hardware app
Best hardware app created based on Lepton