Calldorado: Boost your app!
12th Nov 2014, 8:30 a.m. GMT - 13th Nov 2014, 1:30 p.m. GMT, Location: The ExCeL, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London , E16 1XL, United Kingdom.


Monetize your app through Post Call Ads! With the Calldorado SDK you can show ads combined with call information and caller ID after a user makes or receives a call. All without interfering with the user experience.

Improve user experience! With Calldorado you will cut through the clutter of in-app advertising and monetize on Post Call Ads – while at the same time enhancing user experience with caller ID. Simply add an extra feature to your app!

Monetize on inactive users! Boost app impressions and monetize on inactive users! Even when your app is not in use the SDK shows call information with ads after phone calls in your app’s look at feel. This way you can monetize your entire user base, even if a user has stopped using your app.

The Challenge

Use your developer skills and inner businessman to boost your app revenue!
Your mission is to integrate the Calldorado SDK into your app, watch your wallet get thicker, and give users a better call experience with caller ID.

Additional information & resources

Additional information on Progress Rollbase can be found at


time left


Winner - Calldorado Revenue Award

The developer who manages to generate the most revenue until midnight of day 1 will win the Revenue Award and a £200 Amazon Gift Card.

Winner - Calldorado Impressions Award

The developer who manages to generate the most impressions until noon of day 2 will win the Impression Award and a real life impression magnet, the Samsung Galaxy Alpha.

Winner - Calldorado Speed Award

The fastest hack goes to the developer who can integrate and release the SDK the fastest into Google Play. The winner will also get the super fast “Rolling Spider Parrot Minidrone” that can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet.

Winner - CrowdForge Award

The first chance to gain yourself some CrowdForge points and move up in the league. Expect to see some amazing prizes on offer for success in the league as it develops over the next few months. This is your chance to get a head start!
These points can be distributed among the winning team by the team founder.