Shopping App with Blukii® SmartBeacons

We are using the Blukii® SmartBeacons to enhance an already available smartphone app with merchant deals and promotions.
- Merchants offering daily deals trying to get to the customers directly
- Customers receiving the deals without searching
- Bringing Merchants to Customers without annoying the Customers
- Blukii® Smartbeacons bringing the deals to the users
- Indoor navigation in shopping malls
- Nonintrusive advertisement
- Close proximity means the user is near the deal and can make a fast decision
We are bringing this to our existing smartphone application which can be found here:
In the attached hackathon APK we are also showcasing the use case with an app icon in the toolbar - when you click on the launcher icon next to the search icon, the app will enable bluetooth, scan for nearby devices and if found display a daily deal taking the customer directly to the store.
Blukii® Advantages:
- Low battery usage
- Close proximity
- Advantages over Foursquare etc. apps - close proximity and no need for location scans
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